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to find comfort and freedom from the demands of the world, where they can remember that they don't need to be all things for all people;

to be refreshed with time in community as well as time alone;

to recharge their spiritual batteries, reconnecting with the boundless love and grace of God, revitalizing their faith and restoring their soul;

to cultivate deep self-love and acceptance, honoring their inherent worthiness and embracing their unique beauty;

to reconnect with the Creator through His creation, marveling at the beauty and majesty of God's handiwork and finding inspiration in His divine presence;

to release emotional burdens, finding solace and healing in a supportive and nurturing environment.

A beautiful place for women...

Women Who Want More
Extended Weekend:

— a retreat dedicated to embracing less hurry, worry, and exhaustion, and cultivating more joy, contentment, and peace.

Join us as we awaken to the fullness of our unique design, shedding the weight of comparison, scarcity mentality, and overextending schedules.

Come together with fellow women who believe in something bigger, trusting in God's grand plan.

Say yes to God's extravagant love as we journey towards true freedom, refreshed by community and personal reflection.

We're Don + Renee

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Relationship Renovators, Storytellers, Podcasters, People-Lovers and your new friends who will celebrate your successes and sit with you in the messes. 

Welcome to our cozy online living room where the magic of restoration happens while navigating through the mess of marriage. 

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